Saturday, June 25, 2011

Confessions of a Craigslist-aholic

Any good blogger knows poor blog maintenance means death. Oops.

But I swear I can't believe it's been a month since I've posted -- life is sneaky like that. And I-cannot-tell-a-lie I'm processing the last three weeks as I am writing this post.

I've graduated. High school. Wait, no, college. High school. College. I've graduated from something.

I've had two five eighteen one hundred and sixty four a lot of crises (involving the who, where, what, bills and other monkeys that come with graduating and starting a job two weeks later and finding the time to get the remains of my life in California all wrapped up somewhere between Northwestern and Real Life).

I've gotten a chance to reconnect with my family after six months, and I never even knew how much I missed the insanity that gallops in the family.

I finally got a Macbook (!!!).

And lastly, I've been cheating on fashion with furniture. (Don't reread that -- you got it right.) Yep, I've been so excited to move into this new apartment that I've become a bonafide Craigslist/Apartment Therapy/DIY blog/Etsy/West Elm nut job. You must understand -- I'm not just giddy about our amazing newly gutted space in Logan Square, I'm looking forward to finally having a space I can call my own with some kind of permanence (or semi-permanence...more permanence than undergrad). For the first time, I have a place I can start really investing in. (Stay tuned for a follow up post on "home".)

I still can't really visualize the apartment since I haven't seen it in a while, but here are a few things I'm really loving:

West Elm duvet cover
UO sham
A union jack something is a non-negotiable.
I mean I can take this room, too. That could be a non-negotiable. I can settle.
Coffee table on casters! Probably out of my price range, but the sheepskin rug is also a non-negotiable.
Awesome mirrors that are also out of my price range.
Acrylic lamp! Also out of my price range.
Acrylic bench
...that is also out of my price range.

You know what. This is my blog. I can dream.


Friday, June 3, 2011

The Weekend Post

God after my own heart -- He always provides in the most unexpected ways.